Wednesday 18 June 2008

Pete Doherty Dead In New Art Exhibit

A Glasgow art exhibition has displayed a range of pictures by Scottish artist Peter Howson, depicting troubled rocker Pete Doherty as dead.

The six pastels of The Babyshambles frontman slumped in various poses has created a stir, however, Howson defends his work saying he understands the controversial musician and his battle with drugs and alcohol.

"Pete Doherty is someone who has really interested me over the last few months," Howson explains.  "His spiral downwards reminds me of what I went through myself and I can identify with the way he is acting. Me wanting to paint him dead was pointing the finger at him and saying 'You can influence a whole generation'. He could, if he wanted to, become the right kind of hero."

A spokesman for Doherty responded to the exhibition saying, "Peter Howson has never met Pete as far as I am aware, so I don't know where he's getting his inspiration from. We have not seen the drawings and I don't see how Peter knows that much about Pete's lifestyle."

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Photo courtesy of Jasmine Worth.