Tuesday 17 June 2008

Young Knives 'dedicate' tiny gig to Tony Blair

Young Knives played a tiny gig last night (June 11) at The Star Of Bethnal Green venue in east London to around 150 fans.

During the set the band mock-dedicated a song to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and bassist The House Of Lords joked that he wanted to pass water on his fans.

You can see footage of the gig by clicking on the video below.

Kicking off the 12-song set with 'Fit For You', the Oxford-based band played a high-octane set which saw singer/guitarist Henry Dartnell bursting into the crowd and ending up on his back.

"How nice to be crammed into a tiny room, sweating with The House Of Lords quipped the frontman before playing 'Terra Firma'. Before playing 'Lightswitch' he said, "This song is for people who you think are going to be the big man, but they don't [end up being that]. Like Tony Blair."

Later in the set The House Of Lords joked, "I love you, audience. I want to get you all in a bath and urinate on you."

Then, during the following 'Weekends And Bleak Days', Henry Dartnell leaped into the crowd and fell down, playing guitar manically while flailing on his back on the venue floor, much to the crowd's delight.

Young Knives played:

'Fit For You'
'Terra Firma'
'Dyed In The Wool'
'Weekends And Bleak Days'
'I Can Hardly See Them'
'Rue The Days'
'Turn Tail'
'The Decision'
'The Current Of The River'

See footage of the show by clicking on the video below.

Jun 18, 2008 at South Parade Pier, Portsmouth -
More Young Knives tickets